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发表于 : 2019年 5月 19日 18:35 星期天

代码: 全选

vmrun start "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" nogui 无界面启动
vmrun start "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" gui 图形化界面启动
vmrun list 列出正在运行的虚拟机
vmrun stop "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" soft 正常关闭虚拟机
vmrun stop "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" hard 强制关闭虚拟机
vmrun reset "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" soft 热重启虚拟机
vmrun reset "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" hard 冷重启虚拟机
vmrun sudpend "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" soft 热挂起(休眠)
vmrun sudpend "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" hard 冷挂起(休眠)
vmrun pause "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" 暂停虚拟机
vmrun listsnapshots "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" 查看某虚拟机有多少快照
vmrun snapshot "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" snapshotcmdtest 创建快照
vmrun deleteSnapshot "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" snapshotcmdtest 删除一个快照
vmrun revertToSnapshot "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" snapshotcmdtest 从快照中恢复
Invalid argument: --help
vmrun version 1.15.0 build-2985596


These must appear before the command and any command parameters.

-h <hostName> (not needed for Workstation)
-P <hostPort> (not needed for Workstation)
-T <hostType> (ws|server|server1|fusion|esx|vc|player)
for example, use '-T server' for Server 2.0
use '-T server1' for Server 1.0
use '-T ws' for VMware Workstation
use '-T ws-shared' for VMware Workstation (shared mode)
use '-T esx' for VMware ESX
use '-T vc' for VMware vCenter Server
-u <userName in host OS> (not needed for Workstation)
-p <password in host OS> (not needed for Workstation)
-vp <password for encrypted virtual machine>
-gu <userName in guest OS>
-gp <password in guest OS>

// 关于虚拟机电源的命令

-------------- ---------- -----------
start Path to vmx file Start a VM or Team (vmrun start "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" nogui 无界面启动)
[gui|nogui] (vmrun start "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" gui 图形化界面启动)

stop Path to vmx file Stop a VM or Team (vmrun stop "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" soft 正常关闭虚拟机)
[hard|soft] (vmrun stop "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" hard 强制关闭虚拟机)

reset Path to vmx file Reset a VM or Team (vmrun reset "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" soft 热重启虚拟机)
[hard|soft] (vmrun reset "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" hard 冷重启虚拟机)

suspend Path to vmx file Suspend a VM or Team (vmrun sudpend "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" soft 热挂起)
[hard|soft] (vmrun sudpend "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" hard 冷挂起)

pause Path to vmx file Pause a VM (vmrun pause "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" 暂停虚拟机)

unpause Path to vmx file Unpause a VM (vmrun unpause "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" 从暂停中恢复虚拟机)

// 关于快照的命令

----------------- ---------- -----------
listSnapshots Path to vmx file List all snapshots in a VM
[showTree] (vmrun listSnapshots "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" 查看某虚拟机有多少快照)

snapshot Path to vmx file Create a snapshot of a VM
Snapshot name (vmrun snapshot "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" snapshotcmdtest 创建一个快照)

deleteSnapshot Path to vmx file Remove a snapshot from a VM
Snapshot name (vmrun deleteSnapshot "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" snapshotcmdtest 删除一个快照)

revertToSnapshot Path to vmx file Set VM state to a snapshot
Snapshot name (vmrun revertToSnapshot "d:\\centos\\qs.vmx" snapshotcmdtest 从快照中恢复)

----------------- ---------- -----------
runProgramInGuest Path to vmx file Run a program in Guest OS
[Program arguments]

fileExistsInGuest Path to vmx file Check if a file exists in Guest OS
Path to file in guest

directoryExistsInGuest Path to vmx file Check if a directory exists in Guest OS
Path to directory in guest

setSharedFolderState Path to vmx file Modify a Host-Guest shared folder
Share name
Host path
writable | readonly

addSharedFolder Path to vmx file Add a Host-Guest shared folder
Share name
New host path

removeSharedFolder Path to vmx file Remove a Host-Guest shared folder
Share name

enableSharedFolders Path to vmx file Enable shared folders in Guest

disableSharedFolders Path to vmx file Disable shared folders in Guest

listProcessesInGuest Path to vmx file List running processes in Guest OS

killProcessInGuest Path to vmx file Kill a process in Guest OS
process id

runScriptInGuest Path to vmx file Run a script in Guest OS
Interpreter path
Script text

deleteFileInGuest Path to vmx file Delete a file in Guest OS
Path in guest

createDirectoryInGuest Path to vmx file Create a directory in Guest OS
Directory path in guest

deleteDirectoryInGuest Path to vmx file Delete a directory in Guest OS
Directory path in guest

CreateTempfileInGuest Path to vmx file Create a temporary file in Guest OS

listDirectoryInGuest Path to vmx file List a directory in Guest OS
Directory path in guest

CopyFileFromHostToGuest Path to vmx file Copy a file from host OS to guest OS
Path on host Path in guest

CopyFileFromGuestToHost Path to vmx file Copy a file from guest OS to host OS
Path in guest Path on host

renameFileInGuest Path to vmx file Rename a file in Guest OS
Original name
New name

captureScreen Path to vmx file Capture the screen of the VM to a local file
Path on host

writeVariable Path to vmx file Write a variable in the VM state
variable name
variable value

readVariable Path to vmx file Read a variable in the VM state
variable name

getGuestIPAddress Path to vmx file Gets the IP address of the guest

---------------- ---------- -----------
list List all running VMs (vmrun list 列出所有正在运行的虚拟机)

upgradevm Path to vmx file Upgrade VM file format, virtual hw

installTools Path to vmx file Install Tools in Guest

checkToolsState Path to vmx file Check the current Tools state

register Path to vmx file Register a VM

unregister Path to vmx file Unregister a VM

listRegisteredVM List registered VMs

deleteVM Path to vmx file Delete a VM (vmrun deleteVM vmname 删除名为vmname的虚拟机)

clone Path to vmx file Create a copy of the VM (克隆一个虚拟机:完全克隆/链接克隆)
Path to destination vmx file
[-snapshot=Snapshot Name]


Starting a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T ws start "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx"
Stopping a virtual machine on an ESX host

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T esx -h https://myHost.com/sdk -u hostUser -p hostPassword stop "[storage1] vm/myVM.vmx"
Running a program in a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host with Windows guest

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T ws -gu guestUser -gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" "c:\Program Files\myProgram.exe"
Running a program in a virtual machine with Server on a Linux host with Linux guest

代码: 全选

vmrun -T server -h https://myHost.com:8333/sdk -u hostUser -p hostPassword -gu guestUser -gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "
[standard] vm/myVM.vmx" /usr/bin/X11/xclock -display :0

Creating a snapshot of a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T ws snapshot "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" mySnapshot
Reverting to a snapshot with Workstation on a Windows host

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T ws revertToSnapshot "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" mySnapshot
Deleting a snapshot with Workstation on a Windows host

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T ws deleteSnapshot "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" mySnapshot
Enabling Shared Folders with Workstation on a Windows host

代码: 全选

   vmrun -T ws enableSharedFolders "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx"